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17 things cats can’t stand

A cat looks annoyed
When cats hate or absolutely dislike things, they usually very clearly show this. As the owner, you just have to learn to understand "cat language" better Photo: Getty Images

July 11, 2024, 11:58 am | Read time: 7 minutes

Every cat is unique and has certain things they like. However, there are some things that all cats dislike and that owners should not do with their pets. PETBOOK offers a big overview of things that cats really hate.

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Cats and humans don’t speak the same language, making it challenging for us bipeds to understand our quadruped companions. The animals refuse a kiss on the nose or mouth. Picking them up and pressing them to the heart is sometimes only reluctantly endured. PETBOOK shows 17 things cats don’t like at all, or even hate, and that we, as owners, should avoid altogether when dealing with our pets.

Being lifted up

Most cats are reluctant to tolerate being picked up or carried by their owners. This discomfort arises because some people cradle their cats as one would a human infant, leaving the cat’s sensitive abdomen exposed. Cats are very vulnerable in this position and, therefore, often find it very uncomfortable. Only the most relaxed animals put up with this.

Disturbing while sleeping

There are health reasons why cats really dislike being disturbed while sleeping. This aversion to disturbance during sleep may stem from the cats’ instinctual understanding that they require regular rest to regulate their metabolism and conserve energy. Therefore, cats should not be disturbed while sleeping, no matter how cute they look.

Ein Kind spielt auf dem Bett neben einer Katze, die schlafen will
When cats want to sleep, they don’t appreciate being disturbed

Disturbing them while eating

Disturbing cats during mealtime should be avoided because it can induce significant stress and anxiety. Cats like to eat their food in peace, as they are relatively small predators in the wild and look for a secluded spot where larger animals cannot steal their food. In addition, cats are always somewhat distracted and unprotected when eating.

Therefore, even when kept indoors, cats need a safe environment where they feel comfortable and can eat their food in peace. Of course, there is nothing wrong with stroking the cat’s head briefly when you put the food down. However, once the food is served, it’s best to leave the cat undisturbed at its feeding spot.

Changed or inconsistent behavior

Anyone who has ever tried to train their cat will have quickly noticed that cats do not deal well with changes in behavior. A change in daily routine can cause confusion and stress in animals. However, inconsistent behavior in cat training is another thing that cats do not like. If an owner occasionally allows the cat on the worktop, the cat may perceive this as a shift in acceptable behavior. It is now okay to sit here. However, if you admonish the cat again the next day, the cat may not understand.

Excessive stroking

If you stroke a cat for too long or too much, even though it doesn’t want to be stroked, it usually shows this clearly. Recognizing these signals is crucial, as cats are not inherently tactile creatures, unlike humans. You should, therefore, always respect cats’ boundaries and only stroke them when they are actively seeking contact.

Certain odors

Certain biting or pungent odors are undoubtedly among the things that cats absolutely hate. Essential oils or the smell of certain foods also send many animals fleeing. Many houseplants or flowers also smell unpleasant to cats. This is usually a reflex, as many plants are poisonous to cats.

Katze sitzt neben Weihnachtsbaum und würgt
Certain odors, such as the ethereal scents of pine needles, smell extremely unpleasant to cats and can even be poisonous if eaten


Cats are true creatures of habit who value their routines. Therefore, they do not deal well with changes in their environment, such as a move or a new partner. However, if change is unavoidable, you should make it as pleasant as possible for the cat with familiar objects and smells, such as toys or its cat cushion.


Not all cats have a strong play instinct, but no cat likes to be ignored. If the animal becomes bored, it may look for ways and means to gain attention. Scratching the sofa or throwing things down are possible consequences of boredom. Cats usually don’t understand that this results in negative attention, so bored cats should be kept busy rather than punished, which tends to reinforce the negative behavior.

No outdoor access

Many cats love to explore their environment independently, whether on the balcony or outdoors -. If it is not (or no longer) possible for them because they have moved into an apartment without a balcony, or because they are no longer able to roam the neighborhood on a daily basis, this is clearly one of the things that cats absolutely hate. It can even negatively effect their mood or lead to seasonal depressive moods if the animals go out less or not at all.

Loud noises

Cats have very sensitive hearing and are generally sensitized to environmental changes. This is also the reason for their aversion to loud noises, such as arguing or construction noise. The animals cannot tell why it is suddenly getting louder and usually react with stress or withdraw. The vacuum cleaner is also an enemy for many cats, as it is also loud and cleans their favorite places, from the animal’s point of view, completely unnecessarily. Only the most relaxed members of the species take such noises in their stride.

No cat-friendly furnishings

Cats do not appreciate sterile interiors or modern, empty homes. They prefer lots of nooks and crannies or opportunities to retreat, play or climb. If this is not considered when furnishing, the animal may be bored and look for other, less desirable ways to occupy itself or snuggle up. The animals may suddenly find themselves at the back of the wardrobe or on the high designer chest of drawers.

Being stared at

Cats don’t like being stared at. The animals do not perceive constant staring as friendly and communicative, as understood in human communication, but as a threat. Therefore, from a cat’s point of view, it is polite to look only briefly and then let your gaze wander.

Games in which they cannot win

If there is one thing that cats hate more than anything else, it is games in which they cannot reward themselves. Cats don’t like frustration, such as a feather fishing rod that always stays out of reach, a treat that won’t come out of the fumble board or a laser pointer that doesn’t allow for a satisfying hunt.


It is well known that many cats are afraid of water. Consequently, bathing ranks among the activities most despised by cats. Therefore, if the cat is not accustomed to water from kittenhood, it is very difficult to bathe them. In most cases, however, this is unnecessary, as cats are usually good at keeping themselves clean. However, a bath is advisable if the animal comes home completely filthy or can no longer keep itself clean due to injuries or signs of aging.

Eine Katze wird in einer Badewanne abgeduscht
The majority of cats are averse to bathing, which is often an unnecessary practice.

Closed doors

Cats are curious animals, so they can’t stand it if they suddenly can’t enter a room where they are normally allowed to go. It is particularly problematic for them if they hear their owners talking in the room or notice other noises whose origin they cannot explain. If necessary, they will scratch loudly at the door or meow until it is opened again. Closed doors are definitely one of the most important things that cats hate.

Also interesting: 4 reasons why cats stare at people continuously

Dirty litter tray

No cat particularly appreciates it if its litter box is not cleaned often enough. However, every animal’s sense of cleanliness is different. Some won’t go to a litter box that already contains urine or excrement and want a second one. Others, on the other hand, will do their business in a toilet that has already been used without grumbling. In any case, the litter tray should be cleaned regularly so the animals always have a clean, quiet place to go.

More on the topic


Cats cherish their independence and are bewildered when restrained against their will or handled too roughly. Therefore, two of the things cats hate are being pushed and shaken. Carrying the cat by the scruff of the neck should also be avoided. Small kittens are carried like this by their mothers. However, this can damage the health of adult animals, which are much heavier. It goes without saying that even more severe forms of punishment are taboo in any cat training program.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of PETBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

Topics cat behaviour
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