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Great sadness

Guido Maria Kretschmer loses his fourth dog in just a few months

Guido Maria Kretschmer has suffered many strokes of fate in a short space of time.
Guido Maria Kretschmer's fourth dog has already died within a few months Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Jens Kalaene

July 26, 2024, 5:09 am | Read time: 3 minutes

Losing a beloved pet is usually the worst possible scenario for owners. This is exactly what has happened to fashion designer Guido Maria Kretschmer four times in the last few months. As the crowd favorite revealed on his Instagram page, his dog Undine has now also passed away.

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How much pain can a dog owner’s heart take? This is a question that many people are probably currently asking themselves in connection with fashion designer Guido Maria Kretschmer — because his fourth dog, Undine, has now died within a few months. But that’s not all: Guido also lost his parents within a very short space of time. His father died last August, followed by his mother in December.

‘Our tears have not yet dried’

“Our tears have not yet dried, and now our beloved Undine has also passed away,” the “Shopping Queen” star wrote on his Instagram page. “She missed her sister so much and then quietly slipped away.” He adopted the twelve-and-a-half-year-old dog from the Spanish animal shelter, the designer remembers in his emotional farewell post.

“From her first day to her last, she thanked us with her gentle and loving nature,” continues Guido Maria Kretschmer. “The world has lost an angel in the form of a dog,” he concludes. There are many messages of condolence from fans and friends below the sad post.

Among them is a message from actress Katy Karrenbauer: “Oh dear Guido, oh dear Frank, this is so infinitely sad. But now the two of them are reunited in dog heaven. Give each other a big hug.”

‘When you died in our arms last night …’

TV presenter Dunja Hayali also offered her condolences to the couple underneath the post, writing, “No words, just ❤️”. What is particularly tragic is that it seems as if Guido Maria Kretschmer and his husband simply cannot find peace. The beloved public figure had already mourned the death of his dog, Alaiyha, earlier in the month.

“When you died in our arms last night, our world stopped for a moment, only to immediately turn again in gratitude. How we loved you and how lucky we were to have had you with us for so long.”

‘I hope so much that the sad times will come to an end for you …’

Under the post, a follower writes what many are thinking: “The number of beloved souls you’ve had to let go recently deeply affects me.💔 And your choice of words, which always include a positive note amidst all the pain … it impresses me.”

And further: “I hope so much that the sad times will come to an end for you & your husband. Warmest regards.”

More on the topic

“It was love at first sight”

Although Guido Maria Kretschmer has experienced the deaths of his dogs more frequently, it should be noted that the last two, in particular, lived beyond the average life expectancy for most greyhound breeds, reaching twelve and a half and thirteen and a half years old, respectively. Speaking of greyhounds. The couple only welcomed a new family member in May in the form of Mila.

“Just over a week ago, we welcomed a new addition to the family,” the designer and TV presenter shared joyfully at the time. “It was love at first sight, and the beautiful Mila settled in well with us after just a few days — almost as if she had always been there”.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of PETBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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